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Monday, May 7, 2012

Man standing in traffic flipped by car

This video shows the shocking moment a man was hit by a car on a Russian highway.

The man was moving around beside his own vehicle on the three-lane road, when the incident happened.

His car was stationary in the central lane, behind another that it was in convoy with and the roads were relatively quiet.

In the footage, captured by a passenger in a car in the inside lane and published on, he appears to walk around the side of the silver people wagon, heading for an open boot, which he is looking towards.

Behind him a second car pulls up but others on the road are not so patient.

A black car swings out so as to overtake the line of stopped vehicles as the man reaches the trunk and strikes him with such force that he is flipped up onto its bonnet.


  1. I'm sorry but this is fake

  2. Certainly fake. The moment the car hits him he is... upside down in the air??? There's an odd belief (maybe from movies?) that when people are hit by cars they tend to pop up and into the air. Quite the opposite -- when people are hit by cars they are thrown to the ground and usually dragged beneath the car. It makes no sense that a person would suddenly be flung into the air when their hips and legs are hit by something. Certainly fake.

    Although, it seems the rest of it is legit. Certainly the moment the car hits him reveals that there is something fake going on here. But maybe his body was taken from footage from a different accident and placed into this video.
