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Monday, April 9, 2012

CNN anchor apologizes for reporter using N-word during news report

TULSA, Okla. -- A CNN anchor apologized on air Sunday after a correspondent covering the murder of three African-Americans in Tulsa, Okla., used offensive language during her news report.

The three were shot dead, and two other African-Americans wounded, during a seven-hour period early Friday. Accused of killing them are Jake England, 19, and Alvin Watts, 32.

Reporter Susan Candiotti didn't censor herself when she read from England's Facebook page, "Today is two years that my dad has been gone, shot by a f------ n-----," and the words were not "bleeped" by CNN before going to air, though the network did blur the words out when it showed a graphic of the post, reported.

Candiotti had prefaced the comment by saying, "Please excuse the language, it's very sensitive."

At the end of Candiotti's report, anchor Fredricka Whitfield apologized, saying, "We apologize to our viewers for the profanities used."

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