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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TSA apologizes for making mom pump breast milk in airport

Amy Strand was forced by a TSA officer to pump breast milk in a crowded airport bathroom.

The Transportation Security Administration is sorry it humiliated a mother of four by forcing her to pump breast milk in a crowded airport bathroom in order to satisfy a clueless officer.

Amy Strand, an elementary school vice principal, was trying to follow the no-liquids policy when she poured out her bottles of breast milk before boarding a plane home to Hawaii after a business trip.

Strand didn't have to do this -- according to TSA guidelines, it's allowed in "reasonable quantities exceeding 3.4 ounces" and is not required to be in a zip-top bag.

But to her surprise, a TSA worker at Lihue Airport in Kauai told her that she couldn’t board the plane with the empty bottles and pricey breast milk pump.

Strand told the “Today” show on Monday that the male TSA worker told her she had to prove to them that the empty bottles were for breast milk.

“He said I couldn’t go through because there was no milk in the bottles,” Strand said. “But I was not going to leave a part of the breast pump behind — it cost over $200. He told me that my option was to leave it behind or to put milk into it.”

There was no private area, so the TSA officer accompanied her to the public ladies’ rest room, where there was an outlet for the pump.

Aghast and mortified, Strand was forced to pump her breast milk in the crowded ladies’ room.

“I had to stand at the sink in my heels and dress pumping as travelers came and went,” she said. “I was humiliated and fighting back tears.”

Once the bottles were filled, she was allowed to board the plane, which she also found baffling.

“It really confuses me as to how an empty breast pump and cooler pack are a threat to national security and 20 minutes later, with milk, they no longer pose a threat to national security,” Strand told last week.

She also noted that she had no problems getting the bottles and pump through security on the previous leg of her flight.

Strand received a written statement from Lorie Dankers, spokeswoman for the TSA’s Northwest Region on Monday, accepting responsibility for the “apparent misunderstanding” and “embarrassment.”

Strand said that the officer should have been more familiar with TSA policies.

“This is my fourth baby, so breast-feeding concerns aren’t new to me,” she said. “I can’t imagine how humiliated a young mom breast-feeding for the first time might feel.”

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  1. this is getting so ridiculous already on both sides! first of all, i donot get what is so wrong about breast feeding infront of others??? second, airports have many restrooms, offices, rooms, etc... for people to have some privacy if they need it. usually, mothers cover their breasts with a piece of fabric when they breast feed babies infront of others. those that do not cover themselves, maybe feel the need to display their breasts to others because they do not have a husband, boyfriend or a friend they can displayed them to, (imo). i think both extremes are wrong. i can see how this could take another "turn" if a mother breast feeds her baby infront of a sexual maniac who can later follow her and rape her, etc... i can also see how nasty and stupid men want to control every single thing women does, even their right to feed their children! for them i have this: BASTARDOS, INSOLENTES! i guess people do not want to see beyond the situations... if i had a baby i would probably never breast feed him/her in public unless i am covered because you never know how insane are the people around and if there is a psycho who can later follow you and hurt you after seeing your breasts. every situation is so unique and it should be treated differently. i am sure that this man will not complain after seeing breasts in porn movies or at the beach in summer time. how hypocrites they all are!

  2. this is getting so ridiculous already on both sides! first of all, i donot get what is so wrong about breast feeding infront of others??? second, airports have many restrooms, offices, rooms, etc... for people to have some privacy if they need it. usually, mothers cover their breasts with a piece of fabric when they breast feed babies infront of others. those that do not cover themselves, maybe feel the need to display their breasts to others because they do not have a husband, boyfriend or a friend they can displayed them to, (imo). i think both extremes are wrong. i can see how this could take another "turn" if a mother breast feeds her baby infront of a sexual maniac who can later follow her and rape her, etc... i can also see how nasty and stupid men want to control every single thing women does, even their right to feed their children! for them i have this: BASTARDOS, INSOLENTES! i guess people do not want to see beyond the situations... if i had a baby i would probably never breast feed him/her in public unless i am covered because you never know how insane are the people around and if there is a psycho who can later follow you and hurt you after seeing your breasts. every situation is so unique and it should be treated differently. i am sure that this man will not complain after seeing breasts in porn movies or at the beach in summer time. how hypocrites they all are!
