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Friday, March 23, 2012

Dr Timothy Roses shoots girlfriend just hours after she revealed new lover on Facebook

Lindsay Nichols was shot dead by her ex boyfriend after they broke up

Dr Tim Roses shot Lindsay in the chest several times before turning the gun on himself

A horrific murder suicide has left a town in shock after a doctor, 44, shot dead his ex-girlfriend, 22, before turning the gun on himself after she revealed on Facebook she had a new boyfriend.

Dr Timothy Roses, a radiologist from Waterloo, Iowa, fatally shot Lindsay Nichols, of Evansdale, Iowa, in the chest before also shooting himself in the chest around 9pm on Wednesday night.

They were found near an intersection in Jesup. One was dead and the other died later in hospital though it was not clear who.

The pair were known to be in a relationship but it ended earlier this year.

Friends say Lindsay was concerned about his behaviour since the breakup.

Early on Wednesday, the pretty 22-year-old changed her relationship status to reveal she was in a new relationship with Chase Weber.

Hours later, she was dead.

According to KWWL, Roses followed Lindsay home and shot her in the driveway.

Lindsay was studying radiology at Covenant Medical Center in Waterloo, which is where she met Roses, according to her uncle.

She was preparing to take her Iowa State Radiology Boards and, according to her family, wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

She was an honors student and 2008 graduate of Waterloo East High School.

Evansdale Mayor Chad Deutsch said the Nichols family is well-known in the community. Lindsay's father is the city's parks commissioner as well as a Black Hawk County sheriff’s deputy.

Her late grandfather was also a mayor of the town.

The devastated town of Evansdale held a candlelit vigil on Thursday night for Lindsay, with more than 300 people gathering on the steps of Waterloo's East High.

Her family and friends reflected on and celebrated the life of a young woman they so dearly loved and would sorely miss.

Many could not contain their emotions and expressed shock that such a tragedy could have happened.

Lindsay's close friend Abby Lundy told KWWL: 'I don't think I honestly realize that it's happened yet. I think I'm kind of going through the motions to be strong for the situation. It's going to affect me for the rest of my life.

Kevin Brown, who lives across the street from the shooting scene, said he heard three shots about 9pm on Wednesday.

'Boom, boom, and then three seconds later maybe another one,' he told the DesMoines Register.

Former East High teacher Mike Allen asked the crowd to support the Nichols family.


  1. Dr. Timothy Roses suffered a major traumatic brain injury in the fall of 2009 following which he spent several days in the Baylor Medical Center neurosurgical ICU. Since the accident he has experienced significant personality changes and an inability to cope with life stressors. He also had been demonstrating obsessive compulsive behavior and had impulse control issues.

    1. Agreed. Such a waste. I worked with him as a Rad Tech and he really was good at his job. My heart goes out to both families.

    2. If his behavior was so dramatically different, then why didn't the hospital get rid of him? I understand ADA, but they also have to make sure he doesn't pose a threat to anyone, or compromise patient care. Why was he allowed to continue to practice in a hospital where several issue with him came up? Didn't Lindsay file a sexual harassment complaint against him in Spring 2011? Why was he allowed to continue to be there?

  2. What traumatic thing happened to him in 2009?

    1. I think he fell off the back of a 4 wheeler.

    2. Fell off the back of a golf cart and the back of his head was the first thing to hit. Major head trauma.

  3. He had a long history of inappropriate sexual behavior with young students that attended the radiography program at Covenant Medical Center. This was occuring prior to the head injury, but became worse after the head injury.

  4. Not many doctors are cheating scumbags. I know he had a wife, but did he have kids?

    1. 4 with a 9 month old. SAD!!! Very sick to read this was not the first time he had been involved with young students. What was this beautiful girl thinking getting involved with a man old enough to be her father, married and with children.

    2. Probably didn't know he was...they lie so well. I worked with several doctors once and most of them messing around and trying to get with co-workers. It's just what men with money and power do. The wives were at home flaunting their lifestyles on social networking, while their husbands were out screwing around on them. (Kinda funny in a way) But this guy must have had a nervous breakdown and just snapped. He should have just offed himself and left her out of it.

    3. The whole situation is unfortunate, but yes, she knew he was married. She didn't care... for 10 months! It's easy to blame him, but she had a huge role in this tragedy as well.

    4. How can you blame the girl for her death? consenting adults cheat all the time they don't murder! I say interrogate every doctor.

    5. For u to say that Lindz is also at fault here..shame on u...i am a relative of the nichols family and a very close reletive at that. Lindsay did know he eas married yes but he told het he was getting a divorce and so was she and that was what they had in common only for her to find out that he lied and in fact was never going through a divorce and that is when Lindsay decided it best to leave him. The truth of this matter is Tim was a very sick man that took my familys life and tore it apart. Lindsay had a bright future ahead of her she was a strong couragous and beautiful woman who did not deserve this. Nor does she deserve for u to in anyway bad mouth her. As far as Roses family goes they too are not to blame...please let them be his children deserve a normal chilhood they did not ask for this to happen it is not their fault as to what their husband father son has done. There is only one selfish man to blame here for all this and he is now gone so please just let Lindsay rest in peace and stop bashing her on diffrent sites....Love u Lindsay forever and always.

    6. Did Lindsay deserve to die? Absolutely NOT! However she is completely NOT innocent in any of this either. So what if he told her he was getting a divorce? The reality of it was that he was married and she knew it but decided to still pursue a relationship for 1o months. He is not the only selfish one invoved in this mess. She also acted selfishly when she divorced her husband for the dr and expected him to carry through with a divorce as well. Living a destructive lifestyle brings consequences, the consequence in this situation was just very unfortunate.

    7. You do not know the whole story and you never will so stop passing judgement on things you know nothing about.

    8. Fact is, no matter who is to blame...Tim pulled the trigger. That is undeniable and it doesn't get any more selfish than that--he caused a family to lose a daughter and another family to lose a dad, husband, and the way, I am a friend of Tim's and selfishly, I hate that he did this for him, but he had to have a serious mental sickness to follow through with such a selfish act of murder.

    9. Thank you I agree 100%...he had to of had some sort of sickness. All I know is it will take a long time for my family (Nichols) to recover from such a tragedy. We lost a daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, and cousin. We are all suffering thru this, but again not only us he too had a family and his children need prayers as well. I only hope that they have the love and support from family friends and community as we do.

    10. What does it say about a girl when she is married and divorced by the age of 22, then takes up with a married guy with 4 children??

    11. She was unhappy in her marriage. Why stay in a relationship when u are unhappy...and AGAIN... Tim told her he to was going thru a divorce. There are many people that date while going thru divorces so why do you continuasly blame her? Yes she was dating him and yes he has kids and yes she knew all that but plain and simple he lied to Lindsay and he lied to his family. None of them deserve to be going thru any of this.

    12. If she was so unhappy in her relationship then why did she even get married??? She married in July and wanted a divorce not even a year later? She was dating longer than that to know if she was unhappy or not with the relationship. Seriously I contribute it to being young, stupid, and naieve.Dating a doctor probably sounded pretty good to a young girl

    13. Well i dont really have the time to keep going back and fourth with you on this so lets agree to disagree. I know that she was a beautiful girl who in my opinion did nothing wrong so if you want to take the side of a murder so be it.

    14. Many people get involved in relationships when they are in the process of a divorce. Tim lied to Lindsay from day one that he filed for divorce in Feb of 11. He even went so far as to tell her on various days how his court hearings went. All along Lindsay paid her own bills, while Tim flaunted his money to her...offering to buy her a car, pay for her divorce, etc. She took none of it. Yes, she loved a man twice her age. She was more mature then at 22 year old, and he lied to her from day one that he was 37. Once Lindsay confirmed all of his lies, she broke up with him. She could of stayed in the relationship like most 22 year olds and been a "kept" girl. It mattered to her that he WAS a married man, living at home with his wife and kids. She did the right moral thing when she caught him in the lies. You are a sick person if you side with a murderer....who left my family without a daughter, sister, grandaughter and cousin. And also left a wife with four children to raise. There is one word for Tim....a selfish coward!

  5. Tragic story. I know the Roses family from kid's sports. He had a family, Lindsay had a bright future ahead of her. I get so angry when I see this level of immaturity and selfishness. How can a married man act without understanding the effect this has on their sons, daughters and wife? So Tim, nice have not only left a family and community devastated at the loss of a young life, but have left your family without insurance, with a young baby and scarred your children for the rest of their lives. For everyone else out there...Grow up. Do what is right in this world, whether for your God or because it is just the right thing to do.

  6. I remember when he was in the hospital for the head injury. That would not make a faithful man cheat on his wife! It wouldn't me!! I knew Tim for 32 years and have known his wife for 30 years. She is the perfect wife/ person and can't believe he would cheat on her (and his family)! Tim never was a partier, drinker or use drugs but his sickness was from the deadliest weapon known to man: his penis! My hearts go out to all the people's lives he has destroyed. He should have just killed himself instead of a your girl!

    1. The Tim you knew was not the Tim that was known in Iowa. He often partied and drank with the college students. He was a good time Charlie...

  7. The deadliest weapon known to man is his penis? LOL That sounds so ignorant. Whatever. No, the deadliest thing to anyone is BOREDOM. New sexual partners offer a temporary cure to that but it never lasts, although it's sure fun while it lasts.

  8. This guy was an idiot....plain and simple. Lusting after a young woman barely older than his oldest child. Selfish. Immoral. Immature. These are all adjectives that would describe this puke. What a f*ckwit he was. His wife should be glad to be rid of him. I feel sorry for all of his victims...Lindsay, his wife, sisters, parents and kids. All this d!ckwad cared about was getting his ya-yas out with someone barely out of highschool. Good riddance!

  9. It was an excellent effort made by you through your nice piece of writing, holding the quality and knowledge together for the readers.

  10. The "man" was a cowardly,murderer. That is the only relevant fact.
