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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Rosh Yeshiva Who Speaks Out Against Fanaticism; Says They Need They Arms & Legs Broken

Rabbi Rafael Zar,

Jerusalem - A well known Rosh Yeshiva who is also a popular figure in the Sephardi kiruv world had nothing but contempt and scorn for Charedi Israeli extremists.

Rabbi Rafael Zar, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ohr Dor – Ohr Yehuda, a noted baal mussar and considered by some as a spiritual leader, had strong words for those who resort to extreme measures, in the name of tznius.

“They are the worst kind of evildoers, far worse than the most secular individual,” said Rabbi Zar. “If I could I would break their arms and legs. This is not just my opinion, it is the opinion of Chazal. They would catch them, give them lashes and break their bones for their appalling behavior.

Spitting on women? I am appalled by this and any true Ben Torah feels the same way about this garbage. The people who do this are nothing more than garbage and they bring a foul stench to the scent of Torah in this world. It is repulsive. To spit on a Jewish Girl? Who do you think you are?

Anyone whose middos are so corrupt, is not a Jew in my eyes. He is an animal.”

“Someone who commits a Chilul Hashem like this does not deserve to have a beard. It is an embarrassment. According to the Holy Tazdik Baba Sali Zt’l there are Jews that when they will go to gehenim, the fire will start from their beard, because they don’t deserve to have a beard.”

Rabbi Zar further continued to lambast those have created the furor over segregation in Israel, saying that those who refuse to sit next to a woman on a bus should get off the bus and take a different bus with fewer women because a true yarei shomayim would not raise a commotion over an issue like this.

He also added that he suspects that many of those who pretend to be overly pious in public are probably guilty of transgressing the gravest sins that can be committed by a Jew in private.


  1. We don't appreciate Rabbis that want to gain their fame by following the media swings, Rabbi Zar what was your position on the secular community when the government didn't send you their monthly check?

  2. May God Bless Rosh Yeshiva! He is absolutely right and I agree with him!

  3. I am a Roman Catholic and you can be sure that I sincerely DO support all Jewish Rabis those who believe in the Torah which is also the old testament of the Christian Bible that I have studied for a life time! God loves those who abide by His will and His laws! And whether we are Jew or Gentile, I am united with this Jewish Community as a Christian because we do agree on the fact that Jesus was a Jew. Secondly the Torah is a book that all serious Christians should study and believe to be true as the word of God. Even the Psalms refer to the Jews as the chosen people. They are chosen by God, but those who are Christians need to respect and honor the Jewish Tradition always and never forget that the Torah is a very important part of any Christian's understanding that cannot be denied. My RC Priest is highly supportive of the Jewish Faith and so am I. I am so thankful for this website where there is honesty and I apologize because I am not Jewish, but I have huge respect and appreciation for the respectfulness that Jewish men have towards women! The Christian men need to take many lessons from the Jewish men who treat women well and protect them. I am going to try and contact you somehow because I think you would like to know about something very important! I appreciate this website very much and thank you for allowing me to make a comment without having to go through a long process of registering. When I contact the correct person I will identify myself. Thank you again! God Bless You!

  4. הצילו, מה זה הזבל הזה
    לשמוע כמה דקות ולהתחלחל...
    אותם אנשים, בועלי נידות, מסתובבים עם גברים, זבלים.. לשבור להם ידיים ורגליים.
    זה פשוט לא אמיתי!
