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Monday, November 21, 2011

Brooklyn hairdresser wants SoHo salon to pay 16M in sexual harassment suit

Hairdresser Luciana D’Angelo of Borough Park, Brooklyn, claims she was sexual harassed by a co-worker and a part-owner of a SoHo hair salon

Liciana D'Angelo is a Brooklyn girl who has no patience for oblique flirting, veiled suggestions or guys who smack her tush.

And with her $16 million sex harassment suit against a trendy SoHo hair salon, she is single-handledly demolishing some stereotypes about male hairdressers.

D’Angelo worked at Devachan, a swanky salon on Broome St. that specializes in curly hair where a cut can cost $300.

She claims constant sexual harassment from male co-workers and bosses created a hostile work environment and resulted in her losing promotions, raises and her job.

“I really loved working there. It’s not your usual salon,” D’Angelo, of Borough Park, said in an interview.

But eventually, she said, “I hated going to work. I felt like a piece of garbage.”

In a statement, Devachan management dismissed D’Angelo as “a disgruntled former employee” who waited 18 months after her departure from the salon to make “malicious, defamatory and untrue allegations.”

“Devachan and its management have reviewed the allegations in the complaint and believe them to be completely without merit,” the statement said.

D’Angelo, 36, went to work at Devachan in January 2005. She said she thought co-worker Keith Magnussen was “just weird” when he complimented her on her eyes, said she was “so hot,” and offered to buy her shoes she’d admired, her court complaint says.

The married Magnussen also smacked her behind and told her he dreamed of making love to her on a salon chair, she alleges.

Supervisors told her to “ignore him,” D’Angelo said, but then she was assigned to work the station next to Magnussen and the leering intensified.

D’Angelo said Denivaldo DaSilva , a part-owner and manager, also harassed her — demanding a kiss at a Christmas party, stroking her upper arm and asking her in front of Magnussen how many sexual partners she’d ever had.

In 2009, DaSilva promoted her, moved her to the main salon away from Magnussen and even agreed to be her guarantor on a new rental apartment.

However, D'Angelo says DaSilva warned her when he signed the papers : "'What I give you, I can take away.'"

She said after she started dating a former salon employee, DaSilva’s assistant urged her to break up with the guy.

When she refused, she was assigned three clients a day instead of 10 and her income dropped sharply, she said.

She said DaSilva warned her that if he ended up having to pay her rent, she would “pay him back one way or another.”

In January 2010, D’Angelo said she accused DaSilva in writing of tolerating sexual harassment and he fired her.


  1. She's not the only one. I was physically assaulted by Keith. Then I was disciplined and threatened to be demoted when the issue was brought before the owners, so I left. The almighty dollar is all that matters to that company- they are all manipulative, selfish, and twisted. This girl is NOT lying, I have seen all these behaviors when working there and much much worse.

  2. this women has been fired every where she ever worked!!! now a law suite, why not? when life hands you looks and no brains i guess you have to use your ass to make money. this is a lie and fraud. if she was good at what she did, she would be affraid to sue because of being black balled in the industry, not her????????????????????

    1. You must A - be working for that shit hole of a company or B - have no life. Either way I feel sorry for you.

  3. I know this girl, 2 failed marriages!!! cant keep a job, shot credit, well lets just say a leach on society. if it was bad why didnt you leave? if your so good why not go to another place to work? i can answer all of this, NO BODY WILL HAVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    1. And to you, who is probably the same who left the comment before you really need help.

  4. Luciana is the low low I James let this low life pig live with me for free. From may 2011 to sept 2011 when left she stole my $300 scissors my iPod $185 plus she owed $75 & $ 300 to change my locks in my apt so her & 23. Yrs. Loser Zack could not come back & clean me out ... I worked at DEAVCHAN. FOR 12yrs. Denis & Keith where but PROFESSIONALS to the women that work at the salon I hate DEINS &Keith both very much .. But what I m saying is true they where PROFESSIONALS . Shes. Very sick in the head .. She threatened me with a law suit & Harassment for calling for my stuff she stole ... & for the record she the most untalented Hair stylists I have ever work with SHE is a VERY SICK MENTALLY I'LL .. NEEDS TO BE BUT AWAY

    1. Sorry to hear it. Do you think it has todo with drugs?

    2. Ran in to these 2 fucking losers (wish i googled them) if your a successfull artist, hairdresser, whatever why are you crashing at peoples houses? This fucking scumbag zach boasted about all the pussy he gets, then he asks me out????? while his older girlfriend stood there pissed with glazed over eyes not sure what he said, well cats out of the bag, as we go forward turns out these 2 fucking losers are suing people and talking about the past (made me so uncomfortable)
      WILL NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

  5. She destroyed my hair burnt it beyond recognition and chopped it off In clumps while she fought with some drug addict photographer

  6. I thought she was great! I loved everything she did for me and Im going to continue to see her!

    1. That makes you and 2 others. Haha you get what deserve . And boy oh boy she is getting it. Karma is a motherfucker!!!!!

  7. I didn't this wacko very long, but there is something very wrong with D'Angelo. She looks for every advantage she can get over someone and uses the hell out of it. From I can deduce from the few times I saw this person, she hates everyone who has ever made her cell phone ring. She'd curse everyone out at the end of her conversations with them and there is certainly something pathological about her. She's real nice and sweet when she needs something, but when she's done with you, you're garbage. This is how she treats everyone. Oh, and she's a horrible liar!

  8. No kidding, this girl is a total wacko. I do remeber when she had life by the balls, a new mustang convt, went on vacations . What the hell happened??? Seems a tragic tail of wannabe hollywood, and that retarded boyfriend of hers, total loser, embarrassing to be around. Girl wake up get what you had and move forward!!!!! I red she protested??? Who ever told you that was a good idea should be shot!!! Wake up!!!!

    1. Well those days are over, i know Zach he is a full blown drug addict (owes me money for drugs) and cheats on her all the time, all the time!!!! Well if nothing else maybe he can pass aids on to her then they both can go!!!!! They are both artists yup SCAM artists.
