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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

NY AG 'moonlighted at S&M parties' resigns saying that bosses did not understand her private life

Prosecutor Alisha Smith pictured leaving her apartment building in Manhattan.

She’ll beat you. She’ll bite you. And she can get you locked up for 15 to life.

Former state prosecutor Alisha Smith, a k a the feared dominatrix Alisha Spark, looked ultra-demure in a black pants suit accented by a coquettish pink blouse yesterday as she and her bad-ass lawyer, Gloria Allred, complained that, for the first time in pursuing her dual passions -- doling out justice while beating willing butts -- she’d been manhandled.

Smith abruptly quit her $78,825-a-year job battling securities fraud for the state Attorney General’s Office, she announced at a press conference at the Friars Club.

This after being suspended without pay last month when her bosses learned from The Post about her frisky nocturnal ministrations.

Famous in the S&M world for her skillful spandex-clad spankings, Smith, while not denying her freaky ways, says she did not make money trolling the dungeons while working for the state’s top law-enforcement official, a job she’s held since 2002.

A standing executive order prohibits AG’s office employees from taking in $1,000 from any other source.

As if to show she has not a whit of shame about her extracurricular high-jinks, Smith brought two photos of herself to the press conference in which she’s dressed as her alter ego -- in a low-cut pink spandex get-up for Valentine’s Day, black spandex for Halloween.

It’s very fashionable for young women to wear latex,’’ Allred said, bungling the name of the material for one that’s even more kinky. “Marc Jacobs has shown latex on the runway for fall and winter 2011. Katy Perry also wore it.’’

Even these pix are tame compared with the skin-tight, see-through dress and heart-shaped pasties in which Smith was photographed at a recent fetish event.

Yesterday, Smith was righteously angry about her career malfunction.

All of [the AG’s] actions towards me have been extremely disturbing because I have never accepted any money or payment from any outside source for anything while I have been employed by the New York Attorney General’s Office,’’ Smith said.

Allred also took a swipe at her bosses. “Very quickly, and without checking with Ms. Smith to determine if the story about to run was true or false, and without providing any hearing to Ms. Smith, the New York Attorney General’s Office suspended her without pay.’’

She said she’s “exploring my legal options’’ and has not decided whether to sue the AG’s office, or The Post.

Before the story broke last month, a Post reporter met Smith in front of her house, and the then-assistant AG refused to comment. Repeated phone conversations with her former lawyer, Marshall Mintz, also resulted in “No comment.”

The office of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was looking into Smith’s alleged party dough, and potential use of government resources, when she resigned yesterday. The resignation was accepted.

Smith, slightly round with killer dimples, and carrying a tiny bag just big enough for a pair of handcuffs, posed for pictures, looking saucy with hands on her hips and sexy high heels. It was easy to see the buttoned-down lady as Mistress Alisha.

Allred was livid about her client’s punishment by her employer whom, she said, never looked into “what Ms. Smith contends is a totally false allegation that she received payment to be a dominatrix.’’

“The AG began an extremely intrusive investigation of Ms. Smith. They called her in and asked her numerous questions about her private sexual activities, inquiring about whether or not she only brought boyfriends into her bedroom and what she did with them.’’

A source in the fetish world has told The Post: “They pay her to go to the [S&M] events. She dominates people, restrains them and whips them.’’

I asked if the money allegations were at the center of the AG probe. “That appears to have been the thrust of that investigation,’’ Allred said.


Domination, for free anyway, seems to be something for which our former prosecutor can be proud.

The issue of whether she does have a dominant personality, she feels it makes her successful as a lawyer,’’ said Allred.

She added, “She’s dominant in her intimate life.”

Three years ago, Smith was lauded by then-AG Andrew Cuomo for helping obtain a $5 billion settlement from Bank of America and others in a securities-fraud case. Now she’s unemployed.

Considering the bruising the kinky one inflicted on the reputation of the state, it’s for the best.

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