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Monday, October 31, 2011

Ann Coulter calls SEX allegations against Cain ‘high-tech lynching’

Rush Limbaugh also jumped to Cain's defense

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter rushed to Herman Cain's defense, likening the sexual harassment allegations against him to similar claims targeting Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings two decades ago.

"This is a high-tech lynching," she said on Fox News Channel Sunday night, echoing the Supreme Court justice's words during his own hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991.

Coulter called the allegations a plant from liberals, who are "terrified" of the pizza magnate.

"He is a strong, conservative black man … They are terrified of strong, conservative black men," she said.

She also called the allegations of sexual harassment weak at best.

"It's not groping, it's not touching, it's not demanding sex, it's that he had remarks they found inappropriate," she said. "This isn't dropping your pants and saying, 'kiss it'. This is an outrageous attack on a black conservative who is doing extremely well and I think will be our vice president."

Coulter's allegations echoed that of Cain's spokesman, J.D. Gordon on Fox News last night.

"I can tell you that we've seen this played out before. It's just a prominent conservative leader targeted by liberals simply because they disagree with his politics. Mr. Cain deserves better than this."

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh called the news a "racist hit job."

"What's next, folks? A cartoon on MSNBC showing Herman Cain with huge lips eating a watermelon? What are they gonna do next? No...I'm not kidding. The racial stereotypes that these people are using to go after Herman Cain, what is the one thing that it tells us? It tells us who the real racists are, yeah, but it tells us that Herman Cain is somebody."

Democrats, meanwhile, have remained silent on the report that he was accused of sexual harassment while at the National Restaurant Association, where he worked as a lobbyist.

"I have never sexually harassed anyone, let's say that," Cain told Fox News on Monday. "Secondly, I've never sexually harassed anyone."

"Yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association. I say falsely because it turned out after the investigation to be baseless."

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