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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sarah Palin had sex with basketball player, snorted cocaine and cheated on husband,

The book, written by Joe McGinniss and due for release on September 20, claims Todd (right) dissolved the snowmobile business he ran with Brad Hanson after discovering the affair

Sarah Palin bedding a budding NBA star, snorting coke and cheating on the First Dude?

You betcha.

The scandalous details are revealed in the highly-anticipated tell-all "The Rogue: Searching for The Real Sarah Palin," written by best-selling author Joe McGinniss.

Palin bedded future pro hoops player Glen Rice while he was playing at the University of Michigan, the National Enquirer reports about the McGinniss book.

The sharp-shooting Rice - who spent one season with the Knicks - was playing in the annual "Great Alaska Shootout" while Palin was a sports reporter with Anchorage television station KTUU, the Enquirer said.

Their one-night stand over Thanksgiving weekend 1987 reportedly occurred in the dorm room of Palin's kid sister at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Palin was described by a friend as the aggressor, with the pal reporting "she hauled his ass down," the Enquirer said.

Less than a year later, Palin was pregnant by husband Todd and the couple eloped.

The book also repeated allegations - denied in the past by Palin - that she had a six-month affair with her husband's business partner in the mid-'90s.

The dalliance put a chill on the Palin marriage, with Todd complaining to friends about the loss of intimacy in their relationship, the Enquirer reported.

McGinniss, the author of "Fatal Vision" and "The Selling of the President," rented the house next door to the Palins in Wasilla while researching the bombshell book.

His agent, David Larabell, declined to comment on the Enquirer excerpts.

"As this is an embargoed book I can't comment on the specificity of its contents," Larabell wrote in an e-mail.

"Also, I haven't seen the National Enquirer article. I don't know about this instance, but they often get these reports right."

The book also reports that Palin was once seen snorting cocaine off the top of a 55-gallon drum while snowmobiling with friends. She also smoked pot with a professor while at Mat-Su College, the book says.

And it quotes a Palin family friend as saying that husband Todd Palin also snorted coke, describing him as "on the end of the straw plenty."

The Enquirer quoted a publishing source about the explosive stories contained in the 320-page book, due in stores next week.

There was no immediate response from the Palin camp.

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