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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who Is Levi Aron?

gruesomemonster among us" is how neighbors of the suspected child killer are reacting to the shocking discovery of a mutilated body of an eight-year-old being found in Levi Aron's home.

Some referred to Aron as "slightly weird" but did not suspect he was capable of the grusome crime he is accused of committing.

Levi Aron, 35, lived on East 2nd Street in Brooklyn.

A mother of four says she saw Aron around the neighborhood and thought he was strange, but harmless. Now she's upset she and her kids were so close to what she called "pure evil."

Neighbors say Aron lived on the top floor of his parents' house for the past two years.

He worked a few blocks from home at the Empire Supply Company.

Police say the only previous criminal act in Aron's background was for public lewdness.

Arun had returned to Brooklyn from Memphis. Aron's ex-wife, 34-year-old Debbie Aron, lives there. She says they met on a Jewish dating website in November 2005. They were married in March of 2006.

The pair didn't have any kids together but he did help raise her two kids, from another relationship.

Says she was in "utter disbelief" when she found out about the crime.

Says he was quiet, loved karaoke and was good with her kids. She says she never saw any red flags.

Records show a request for an order of protection was filed against Aron in 2006 in Shelby County General Sessions Court. The request, filed by his wife, was dismissed. They were granted a divorce in 2007.

Levi Aron worked for Metropolitan Protective from March 2007 to September 2009 on a part time basis. He passed a background check and he passed a state background check and was issued a Tennessee state security guard license. Company records show that he quit to move back to New York.

He is now in jail, accused of killing and dismembering 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in his apartment on the third floor of his parent's home.

Who Is Levi Aron?:


  1. Instead of talking to the media, Aron's ex-wife needs to talk to her kids to see if they were molested by him.

  2. Isn't this clear?? He probably did molest her children and that's why she filed for an order of protection a year after they were married. She is just trying to protect them now... shiduchim you know...

  3. This person is sick obviously. Who just takes a kid to hang out with him. Freak.

  4. This is truely a tragedy for both parents. I wonder if his parents ever tried to get him help, how many red flags they saw. If they found it a frustrating system (our broken Mental Health System). Did he refused help and not want to take prescribed medication.

    I pray for all concerned.

  5. monster Butcher of Brooklyn aka Levi Aron is a sick fuck

  6. Levi Aron, Butcher of Brooklyn the man accused of murdering and dismembering a 9-year-old Hasidic boy in ... Don't let these fuckers walk off free like Casey Anthony. ... and placed into the refrigerator of some sick fuck named Levi Aron. ...

  7. The police did an amazing job tracking this guy down. Tragically not soon enough. How can anyone be so heartless? it is impossible to understand because there is no sense to it. My most heartfelt condolences to the family.
    When I see pictures of this little boy it makes me want to cry and I rage at god (if there is such a thing) for allowing such evil to persist in the world.

  8. Please parents take care of ur kids,don't let them walk by themselves..period!! Be very cautious ,don't think other strangers(camp members)were going to take special care 2 child, I hate seeing this things, I remember seeing another case,where this women let her 3 children walk home to school,while she was watching tv in her home,the little girl got in an argument with her other 2 siblings, and ran a different direction than the siblings,the other 2 make it home ,the little girl is found dead in a land fill, Parents should be super cautious for insanity, like this casey bi***, i really don't give a blank,they deserve the shot.

  9. I think we have to take seriously the saying " SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING". There must be somebody that saw something, maybe his parents..., did they see something and ignored it?????
