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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brooklyn, NY - Search Expands to Include Flatbush

Brooklyn, NY - The search for missing nine year old Leibby Kletzky is expanding into the Flatbush area, with volunteers who are interested in doing block searches in Flatbush being asked to report to the newly established Flatbush command center at Avenue M and E 12th Street at 8:30 PM tonight.

Chaim Deutsch of Flatbush Shomrim confirms that the missing youngster was sighted walking alone on a security camera last night at 46th Street and 18th Avenue and that he stopped and asked a lady for directions.

“Clearly he was not abducted coming out of the day camp,” Deutsch told “We hope he is lost and are optimistic that someone will find him and bring him home.”

As the day progresses, thousands of volunteers have converged on Brooklyn with everyone hoping to do their part to find the missing boy and bring him home.

Superstar Lipa Schmeltzer told he just returned from a trip to Uman when he joined in the search this afternoon.

“I just landed and I hear such a story. How could I go home and not do my part?” asked Schmeltzer. “I am going to go home and kiss my own kinderlach and be mispallel that Leibby gets home safely.”

Echoing the sentiment that so many have expressed during this difficult day, Schmelter praised the community who has come out in full force for the Kletzky family, giving up sleep, work and spending their day in the grueling heat to look for missing Leibby.

“Everybody is so b’achdus,” said Schmeltzer. “It is truly beautiful.”
9:10PM (Tuesday)

This video from a surveillance camera is from 18th Avenue and 44th Street. It is the last known location that 9-year-old Leiby Kletzky was at, on Monday evening.

NYPD Detectives are still looking at other footage from the neighborhood.

The tzibur is requested to daven for Yehudah Ben Ita Esther for his safe return home.


  1. It is definitely sad and I hope the boy is found safe very soon. Though I cannot not speak for all Hasidic families, I live in Boro Park and I have witnessed countless times that many do not watch their children and I see 5 & 6 year-olds wheeling their infant brother/sister in a carriage by themselves or where the parents are a half block or more behind them at 9:00 o'clock at night. I think anyone who does that seriously needs to reevaluate their parenting skills

  2. how sad , hope he returns home safe my prayer for the family and the little boy
