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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Why Does The Skvere Rebbe's Car Have NY State Official Plates, Lights And A Siren?

Why does the Rebbe have official New York State license plates?

A reader took this picture today at the Rebbe's house and emailed it to me. If you look closely at the front grill, you can see 6 strobe lights. I'm also told the care has more strobe lights in the back as well as strobe lights built into the headlights and tail lights. And I'm told the car also has a siren.

And, I'm told, when the Rebbe goes out, he often has three or four other cars with official plates, lights and sirens accompanying him.


  1. "" What are Official license plates you may wonder? They are the license plates issued to local governments, such as towns, cities and counties, as well as other quasi-governmental entities like the Port Authority and MTA for their vehicle fleets, with the exception of most marked local police cars and fire trucks, since they do not have state issued license plates. The plates are issued permanently, with out any registration fees and do not have to go through the yearly renewal process. Plus they practically guarantee no tickets for the vehicle ""

  2. nyc garbage trucks also have official plates

  3. the siren is to announce Shabbes, of course hahaha

  4. The real money machine is the federal government. That is where the bulk of the money is made

  5. Nice one.I visited National Numbers for car number plates in UK.
