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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rome - Italian Jewish Community In Shock Over Murder Of Synagogue Member

The Jewish community gathers in front of the house where Rafi was murdered

A Jewish retiree was murdered in Rome at the same time that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was visiting the Italian capital.

The 74-year-old man was stabbed on Monday night on Via Lanciani in the Nomentano quarter. His body was found at the entrance to the building where he resided.

The police launched an investigation into the case, and have so far ruled out robbery, since no money was taken out of the victim's wallet, which was found lying next to the body. The assault weapon is yet to be found.

The man – who filled a central role at the local synagogue – was a well known figure in the Jewish community. "It was only yesterday that I saw him at the synagogue," a friend of the victim said. "He was appreciated by everyone; we don't understand why he was murdered."

The man was survived by his wife and three children.

Rome's Jewish Community President Riccardo Pacifici visited the scene of the crime. He also met with Netanyahu, though the meeting was unconnected to the murder incident.

Netanyahu and eight ministers left for Italy early this week. The prime minister met with his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi on Monday, and the two held a press conference later in the day.

Rabbi Menachem Lazar, who knew the victim, told Ynet that the Jewish community was shocked by the murder.

The victim, he added, ran a small family business and had no known rivals, adding to the community's upset.
חבר בכיר בהנהגת הקהילה היהודית ברומא, מר רפאל כהן נרצח בבולוניה.

אמש (ב) הוא נמצא בכניסה לבניין מגוריו בעיר, סמוך לביתן השומר, כשהוא דקור בחזהו.

רפאל כהן, בן 74, שימש כדמות מרכזית בבית הכנסת המקומי. הותיר אחריו אשה ושלושה ילדים.

הרצח התרחש בזמן שראש הממשלה, בנימין נתניהו, ביקר בבירה האיטלקית רומא, ונפגש עם מקבילו - ראש ממשלת איטליה, סילביו ברלוסקוני.

המשטרה המקומית פתחה בחקירת נסיבות מקרה המוות.

תחילה חשדו בקהילה, כי מדובר במקרה שוד, אך האפשרות נשללה.

חשד נוסף נבדק, כי מדובר ברצח על רקע אנטישמי. על פי הדיווחים ברומא, "אין חדש בחקירת מותו".

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