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Friday, April 15, 2011

BDE: New Square girl, 2, dies after hit by car in parking lot2-year-old child killed in New Square

Children watch as workers remove bloody pavement at the site where a 2-year-old girl was struck and killed by a car Friday in New Square

NEW SQUARE — A 2-year-old village girl was struck and killed Friday in the parking lot of a strip mall, Ramapo police said.

Police would not identify the child, but said she was with a parent when the accident occurred.

The child was hit about 1:29 p.m. by a Ford Flex in the parking lot of the New Square Supermarket at 55 Jefferson Ave.

"It was a low-speed parking lot accident," Ramapo police Lt. M.J. Reilly said. "It is just a tragic accident."

The child was taken by Hatzolah Ambulance Corps to Nyack Hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 2:02 p.m.

Police identified the driver of the car as Boruch Friedman, 47, of New Square.
No tickets were issued at the time. Ramapo police said it was too early in the investigation to conclude what happened.

While police would not identify the victim, several members of the community identified her as Golda Taubenfeld, the daughter of a well-liked young couple who also have an infant.

People who knew the family said the little girl was named after her paternal grandmother, who was killed several years ago in a terrorist bombing in a bus in Jerusalem.

"She was a doll of a girl," said Yetti Braun, who stood near the supermarket with her two young children in strollers. "It is very tragic."

The accident took place during the busy shopping weekend before the start of Passover, which begins Monday night. Just an hour after the incident, the small supermarket was busy with shoppers.

Outside dozens of men, teenagers and small children stood behind yellow tape, looking at the accident scene. Men from the community had spread foot-long squares of white cloth over a small section of the parking lot where blood was visible.

The cloth squares, along with sections of the pavement where blood had seeped, were later put in plastic bags to be taken away.

Under Jewish religious law, all remains, including blood, must be buried.
Several men gathered near the accident site expressed concern about road safety in the densely populated village. They said children, parents and drivers needed to be educated about the dangers of driving.

"My message is that people need to slow down," Menshe Lustig said, urging parents to watch their children when they were outside the home. "This town here, it's not a city, it's not a small village. Children feel free to walk and play, and drivers feel free to drive fast. It's sad you learn the lesson after" something like this happens.

Ramapo police responded to another incident Friday in Monsey where a child was struck by a driver. The child, a 4-year-old boy, suffered minor injuries.

Police said Joel Teitelbaum, 22, of Monroe was driving his 2003 Buick westbound on Calvert Drive when the boy, Yakov Itzkowitz, ran into the street in front of him. Teitelbaum was unable to stop his car in time and struck the child.

Hatzolah arrived at the scene and provided first aid to Yakov for minor injuries. He was then taken to Nyack Hospital for further treatment, police said.

No tickets were issued to Teitelbaum
טרגדיה בעיירה ניו סקוור שבמונסי: הילדה גולדה טויבנפלד ע"ה, בת שנתיים, נהרגה ביום שישי בצהריים למול עיני אביה.

התאונה אירעה בשופינג סנטר ברחוב ג'פרסון, בעת שהאב יצא מהחנות לעבר מכוניתו עמוס בחבילות.

הילדה בת השנתיים רצה הישר לעבר מכונית חולפת, לנגד עניו ההמומות של האב.

הילדה נפטרה בדרך לבית החולים.

בניו סקוור אומרים, כי מדובר בטרגדיה גדולה. הוריה ציפו להולדתה חמש שנים מיום נישואיהם.

חבר ארגון הצלה במונסי הסמוכה אומר, כי הגיע הזמן לעצור את המגפה, וכי רק בחודש האחרון נהרגו שלושה ילדים קטנים, בשל חוסר זהירות של נהגים או הורים.

הילדה גולדה ע"ה היא נכדתה של גולדי טויבנפלד הי"ד, שנהרגה בגיל 43, יחד עם בנה שמואל בן החמישה חודשים, בפיגוע ההתאבדות בקו 2 ברחוב שמואל הנביא בירושלים

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