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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Video: Son of Hamas Speaks before a Crowd of 1,500

Last week Chabad of the Conejo Vally hosted the 'Son of Hamas', Mosab Hassan Yousef, who spoke at length about the dangers of radical Islam. The following is the video of the conversation he had with Rabbi David Eliezre before a crowd of 1,500.

“Son of Hamas” author, Mosab Hassan Yousef, warns a mixed Christian, Jewish and Muslim audience in L.A. that global Islamism's (including Hamas') hate for Jews and Christian America drives pan-Arab, Palestinian nationalism as part of their objective to dominate the world by destroy the governments of both states, Israel & America.

Mr. Yousef considers himself a patriot of Palestine, turning against what he found, as son of a Hamas leader, to be a morally corrupt and savage supremacist movement pursuing conquest of Israel through terrorism and psychological warfare, e.g., blood libeling Jews through the global press. A small group of Muslim men vocally expressed their disdain for Mr. Yousef, booing him and disruptively heckling him “You're a scumbag!”

Once poised to lead Hamas's political wing, Mosab Hassan Yousef made a dangerous, courageous and heroic decision — he is now risking everything to expose closely-guarded secrets that have rocked the Middle East.

Recounting the gripping account of terror, betrayal, political intrigue and unthinkable choices he made to save the lives of people on both sides of the Arab Israeli conflict.

The audience included a constituency from St. Paschal Baylon Roman Catholic Church in Thousand Oaks. Organized by Chabad of Conejo Valley, interviewed by Rabbi David Eliezre of Chabad of Orange County. Filmed live in Westlake Village, Calif. Feb 21, 2011

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