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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Watch Film About Haredi Child Sexual Abuse


  1. poignant.made me sad.and cry.for all the destroyed neshamas.
    Hashem. help.only u can...

  2. All molestors should die this way, prematurely. It saves the victims from having to testify, saves the state money, and the molestor, hopefully, feels extreme fear/pain when a car hits him.

  3. If only people would wake up and realize how common it is. But my teacher didn't just 'touch' me, as lucky Daniel was. I'm having issues with my marriage now because of this. I'm such a mess. I better not find my molester because i don't want to be charged with murder..

  4. the film was full of amateurish acting-but if the tergeted audience is the black-hat yeshiva world, this is about all the film-maker could do--he kept the boy "shomer nagia" (didn't touch his girl friend--which makes the film kosher in ultra-Orthodox eyes--even though most yeshiva boys, especially the ones who have issues, don't follow this. Furthormore, the rabbi's sudden death, and the boy's failure to reach out to other survivors, to investigate the school for coverups, makes the film a bit simplistic. The film should have centered upon a lawsuit rather than his immmature relationship with that insipid girlfriend of his. but again, we're looking at an ultra-frum audience with many selrf-imposed restrictions on actions and thought.

  5. Great film on a topic that is too often swept under the carpet, allowing abuse of others to continue. The issue is extremely complicated, however; the abuser is not only hurting the victims and their families and love ones, but also the abuser's family and loved ones who are often also ostracized through no fault of their own! One question - I am not sure what point was being made by including the scene in the playground; would you please explain?
