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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rabbi Mekubal Yaakov Deutch Was Arrested For Rape and Molestatation Of Minors.

The rabbi, in one case, is accused of sodomizing a fourteen-year-old girl three years ago. He is also charged with molesting other minors, both male and female, over the course of this past year.

The case came to light on Friday after a gag order was lifted. Police have been investigating the case for months.

The rabbi, 60, was arrested on Thursday after he requested to leave the country for a celebration of a famous rabbi

Police superintendent Ariyeh Alkobi, who is heading the investigation, said that there have been three charges of molestation uncovered so far.

There are other minors who were also molested, but they have not yet filed formal complaints with police, he further explained.

The Mekubal Rabbi Yaakov Deutch, of Rechov Yair 7, Afula, Israel, Mobile # 052-8709758, was arrested for Rape and Molestatation of minors. As you can see from the news articles, he was considered a HOLY MAN - What A Shame.

המקובל הרב יעקב דויטש פון רחוב יאיר 7, עפולה, מס' הניידת 052-8709758, איז ארעסטירט געווארען פאר ר"ל מאנס זיין און מאלעסטען קינדער. לויט ווי עס שטייט אין די צייטונגען האט מען עהם געהאלטען פאר א קדוש, ער האט מקיים געווען דעם "לא יהי' קדש" מיט אלע פרטים.


  1. Vilifying someone as guilty until proven innocent is wrong.

  2. You know, it is really hard for an ordinary person to know what is true in these cases. There is a desire in certain quarters in Israel to find "dirt" on religious people, and if they can't find any, they throw their own. It is very easy to make charges, and to encourage others to make charges. I'm not saying it's not possible for an observant person to do something wrong, but what I'm saying is that, like the halachot of Lashon Hara teach us, we must really give the benefit of the doubt and not "convict" anyone in our minds unless they are proven (beyond a shadow of a doubt) guilty.

    Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.

  3. And what is the purpose of publishing this man's cellphone number? Would this not encourage people to harass?
