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Monday, January 30, 2017

You have a situation. We have the solution.

The effective tendency these days is to analyze and assess occurrences in  business, partnerships, investments, individuals and other situations.  Understandably, it is vital to execute thorough background checks before a relationship gets serious to avoid aggravation later on.
For the past decade, Joe Levin at  T.O.T. Consulting Services has successfully counseled many companies nationwide, ensuring honesty and reliability. This pre-screening process has alleviated untold agony for so many.
In the event that you need to carry out an analysis for any purpose, we are here to assist you.  In particular, we are well-versed and familiar with the ultra-orthodox community, Chassidic Sects, modern and unaffiliated Jews. 
We have extensive knowledge on Jews from diversified cultures and have the expertise necessary to scrutinize pertinent details for you to ensure your relationship is secure.
For more information about our company, visit our website
Looking forward to hearing from you.
 Sincerely yours,
 Joe Levin



T.O.T Service de consultations privées, offre des services personnalisés aux communautés juives
orthodoxes dans le monde entier.
Notre équipe d’experts s’engage à fournir à ses clients un service de haute qualité dans le secret absolu.
Nos compétences analytiques de pointe sont au cœur de chaque projet solide que l’équipe T.O.T
Service de consultations privées utilise pour relier les points dans la pensée créative et inventive.
T.O.T Service de consultations privées a développé des outils innovants et des méthodes massives
pour gérer des quantités de données.
Nous extrayons toutes les informations utiles à nos clients et cartographions toutes les sources
potentielles d’intérêt en draguant l’information au plus profond des zones généralement inaccessibles
des réseaux internet tel que le « net dark »
T.O.T Service de consultations privées fournit la communauté juive orthodoxe dans le monde grâce
a sa formation multilingues, riche de 25 interlocuteurs de langages différents, opérant en Europe, au
Moyen- Orient, en Russie, en Amérique Latine et dans beaucoup d’autres pays, ce qui nous rend
exclusifs dans la compréhension des cultures locales.
Une expérience unique d’entrées et d’analyse d’informations sur différentes plateformes incluant plus
de 240 ouvertures dans les domaines financier, commercial, juridique, légal et informations techniques.
Obtention d’accès autorisés aux nouvelles ressources conformes aux besoins de nos clients.
Grace à une approche dynamique, nous surmontons les accès aux sources limitées.
Nous avons développé plusieurs méthodes uniques spécialement dans le domaine de l’ingénierie
sociale, nous permettant de nous déplacer librement et d’extraire des informations de valeurs dans des
sources d’accès limitées dans des environnements tant virtuels que physiques.


Почему мы уникальны?
T.O.T. Private Consulting оказывает индивидуальные услуги сообществам ортодоксальных евреев по всему миру.
Мы – команда экспертов, которые объединились, чтобы предоставить вам высококачественные услуги при полной
Аналитические навыки на высоте
Актуальные аналитические и исследовательские навыки – вот что лежит в основе каждого интеллектуального проекта,
который команда T.O.T. Private Consulting использует для креативного и инновационного решения проблем.
Мы прочёсываем весь кибермир
Команда T.O.T. Private Consulting разработала инновационные средства и методики обработки огромного объема данных.
Мы выискиваем информацию, необходимую для наших клиентов, и отслеживаем все потенциальные источники интереса,
погружаясь в глубокую сеть и выхватывая информацию из Даркнета – той зоны интернета, куда доступ закрыт.
Языки и культуры
T.O.T. Private Consulting оказывает услуги высочайшего уровня сообществам ортодоксальных евреев по всему миру.
Команда владеет многими языками, поскольку в её состав входят носители 25 различных языков. Также
мы обладаем уникальным пониманием культуры разных стран, поэтому мы владеем уникальным навыком работы в Европе,
Среднем Востоке, на территории бывшего Советского Союза, в странах Латинской Америки и многих других регионов.
Мы способны решить всевозможные культурные проблемы.
Доступ в широкую базу данных
Мы обладаем уникальным опытом доступа к информации и её анализа на различных платформах,
включая более 240 финансовых, коммерческих, юридических, судебных и технических баз
данных с ограниченным доступом. Мы получаем легальный доступ к новым источникам информации в
соответствии с требованиями наших клиентов.
Инициативная позиция
Мы добираемся до источников информации с ограниченным доступом благодаря нашему решительному,
активному подходу. Мы разработали несколько уникальных методов, особенно в сфере социальной инженерии,
что позволяет нам свободно продвигаться и получать необходимую информацию из источников с ограниченным
доступом и в виртуальной, и в реальной сфере.


Was unterscheidet uns vom Rest?
T.O.T. Private Consulting bietet individualisierte Dienste für die Orthodoxen jüdischen Gemeinden der ganzen
Welt. Wir sind ein Team von Experten und bieten Ihnen ausschließlich qualitativ hochwertige Dienstleistungen und
absolute Vertraulichkeit.
Bahnbrechende analytische Fähigkeiten
Bahnbrechende analytische und Forschungskompetenz sind der Kern eines jeden Projektes von T.O.T. Private
Consulting und unser Team verwendet ausschließlich kreatives und erfinderisches Denken um die Punkte zu
Ernte der Cyber Welt
T.O.T. Private Consulting hat innovative Werkzeuge und Methoden entwickelt um massive Datenmengen
verarbeiten zu können. Wir offenbaren nützlichen Informationen für unsere Kunden und erkunden alle
zutreffenden Informationsquellen durch eine Suche im Deep Web und der Sammlung von Informationen aus
normalerweise unzugänglichen Bereichen des Internets, dem Dark Net.
Sprachen & Kulturen
T.O.T. Private Consulting bietet top Dienstleistungen für die Orthodoxen jüdischen Gemeinden der ganzen Welt.
Mit mehrsprachigem Hintergrund, einschließlich mehr als 25 Muttersprachlern verschiedener Sprachen und einem
einzigartigen Verständnis vieler lokaler Kulturen ist unser Team dazu in der Lage in Europa, dem Mittleren Osten,
der ehemaligen Sowjet Union, Latein Amerika und vielen anderen Regionen tätig zu sein.
Umfangreicher Datenbankzugriff
Wir haben besondere Erfahrung im Zugriff und der Analyse von Informationen auf vielen Plattformen,
einschließlich mehr als 240 zugriffsbeschränkten Finanz-, Handels-, regulatorischen, rechtlichen und technischen
Datenbanken. Wir sind somit dazu in der Lage den Informationsanforderungen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden.
Proaktive Herangehensweise
Wir umgehen zugriffsbeschränkte Quellen mit Hilfe einer dynamischen Vorgehensweise. Wir haben besondere
Methoden im Bereich des Social Engineering entwickelt die es uns erlauben wertvolle Informationen aus
zugriffsbeschränkten Quellen, sowohl in virtuellen als auch physikalischen Umgebungen, zu extrahieren.

T.O.T. Private Consulting Competitive Intelligence

T.O.T. Private Consulting specializes in gathering and analysing intelligence that enables our clients to better understand their business environment, enhance their ability to identify business risks and opportunities, and leverage their competitive edge.
Our competitive intelligence service is based on cutting-edge methodology that includes high-end information gathering and research capabilities, bolstered by solid technical and legal acuity.
Competitive intelligence is delivered in the form of a graphic plot of the key players in the target market, accompanied by detailed information on each competitor’s procedures, practices, R&D plans, products and services, and unrevealed usable leverage points of conflicts, corruption, fraud or bribery.
Generating Business Opportunities
Any business that wishes to develop and grow requires a steady stream of information on potential markets and opportunities.
T.O.T. Private Consulting offers thorough and comprehensive market research and analysis services that offer insights to companies looking to expand and grow.
At T.O.T. Private Consulting, we are uniquely capable of operating in any language and culture, in our home markets and specifically in Europe, the Middle-East, Former Soviet Union and Latin American markets.
Additionally, we are able to provide in-depth information and analysis regardless of geographic boundaries.
T.O.T. Private Consulting identifies potential unique business opportunities, locates key players and centers of excellence, and creates detailed target profiles that assist our clients in executing well-informed business moves.
Compliance Reports
T.O.T. Private Consulting produces compliance reports on potential business partners, suppliers, distributors, and re-sellers (individuals and companies), supporting clients’ compliance efforts in accordance with the requirements of the Bribery Act, Fraud Act, Proceeds of Crime Act, and other relevant legislation.
We help our clients ensure full compliance with these laws by inspecting the both legal and financial records and procedures of designated partners, in order to confirm their compliance with the requirements defined in relevant legislation, such as due-diligence reporting and risk assessment procedures.
Looking into 240 unique databases, our compliance services identify involvement of existing and potential business associates in sanctions violations, money laundering incidents, terror financing and any organized crime involvement.
Deep Level Due Diligence
Decisions involving significant business moves, large-scale acquisitions, new partnerships, and expanding operations into new, and foreign, countries inevitably involve trade-offs between risks and benefits. T.O.T. Private Consulting Deep-Level Due Diligence service supports clients’ risk management and helps minimize such business risks by providing comprehensive assessments of business targets.
A distinct tool to financial and legal due diligence, T.O.T. Private Consulting Deep-Level Due Diligence delves into the people behind the target company; their motives and interests, past behavior in other roles, and any other information that could reveal behavior contrary to the strategy of T.O.T. Private Consulting clients.

Jewish Orthodox War of Drugs – Whose Side Are You on?.

One of Elie Wiesel most famous quotes, “We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” This quote can have several interpretations but none higher to the continued crime pumping through our Orthodox Communities internationally.
Turn on the news, read the newspaper, or visit our Yeshivas and gain wisdom from our youth.
Everyday our community is infested with drugs along with other associated crimes that come along with drug distribution.
Consider the simple fact that drug addiction is a disease that can be successfully prevented and treated yet too many people are standing by and failing to provide informative that can help victims.
How can this be?
It’s our silence and ability to turn our back on the amount of drugs that’s funneling in and out of Israel that encourages the crime circle, the tormentors, and killing machines.
Silence is making their operation grow.
That’s what Elie is referring to in this quote.
Your silence is the reason why our communities have record breaking addiction rates and even drug related deaths among our Jewish youth.
This is allowing criminals to distribute drugs worldwide.
Israel has a “star role” in the World Drug Report issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and released last June.
When “black money” on such a monstrous scale is being circulated around the world, it invariably attracts the major crime organizations, including those in Israel and New York City.
“There are Israeli crime organizations that have joined forces with the world’s major drug cartels,” says a member of the intelligence network of the Israel Police.
“Criminals are measured by their ability to traffic huge quantities of drugs and today there are several Israeli criminals who can traffic impressive quantities around the world.
Throughout recent arrest reports; Rabbi’s, Political leaders, and even charity organizations are hiding their involvement in the distribution of drugs.
We have come into an era where you can no longer trust a person just because they come with a title.
Trust is earned by their actions not just because they hold a religious or political ranking.
If we are going to invest in Yeshivas, the foundation of the community now is the time to take a side.
If you have access to information that can help the war on drugs, then we are asking you to come forward and share those news tips with us.
Tips are accepted anonymously and are accepted worldwide at
As it says in the book of Deuteronomy, “Thou shalt put the evil away from among you”.
If you want to see change in this world, don’t be afraid to speak up and do your part. Neutrality is only helping the oppressor.
T.O.T. Private Consulting is positioning itself to go after Jewish top drug crime circles and we are sending those involved either by silence or involvement this warning.
You are a danger to our society and we will take whatever action deem necessary to shut your crime operation down.
Either you stop by yourself now, or it’s a matter of time until we find you and stop you ourselves.

Friday, January 27, 2017

A Personal Statement By Joe Levin

The life of Private Consulting rarely holds a “typical or glamourous day’, especially when my clients consist of worldwide companies and individuals in search of truth and answers to their upmost private and personal problems.
In my seventeen years of conducting Private Consulting, I have personally paid witness to the amount of evil and corruption that exists within in the world.
This corruption is why people have turned to me.
I have never been afraid to dive head first into unspeakable cases that range from sexual abuse, missing persons, stalking cases, family crisis, corporate fraud, or various criminal cases.
Sure, there are days where this evil is difficult to bear, but there have always been more days when justice and truth has been served.
T.O.T. Private Consulting has built a reputation as the premier provider of successful consulting for the most diverse Jewish and Non-Jewish cliental.
No matter if we work with private individuals, attorneys, insurance companies, schools, international or national companies; I have and will always maintain confidentiality.
My clients can trust that their secrets are locked in my personal vault and will one day go to the grave with me.
For the past few months, I have been working on a complicated case that has caused quite a bit of controversy because it’s linked to a criminal organization called, “The Satmar Mafia”.
This case has involved cyber warfare where we have identified hundreds of fake charity websites and nonprofit organizations all claiming to be helping the people of Israel but your donations are actually being sent to various PO boxes throughout New York City, Brooklyn, and parts of New Jersey.
Coincidental, at the same time I chose to expose this truth, I recently learned of a new website has been created for sole purpose to slander and intimidate myself and my establishment.
Our Mafia investigation is also linked to the world of gang stalking.
For those of you who are unaware of this term, Gang stalking is described as a series of techniques utilized by organized crime and corrupt networks to instill mental instability within a victim with the intent to discredit, sabotage, harass, extort and even drive victims to suicide.
The Gang members of this organization are being linked to hundreds of defamation and fraudulent websites all over the world. Mine being one of them.
I am well aware that I am up against a dangerous and disruptive organization that finds joy in disrupting the lives of their prey.
Instead of remaining silent, I would like to address this matter head on with this personal message.
To my friends, family, colleagues, clients and community members that may come across these slanderous websites, emails, or communications; I Will NOT Back Down!
For the past 17 years I have dedicated my life and my company to helping clients solve problems that can’t be done on their own.
Our organization has and will continue making a positive impact for our children’s future.
Please understand that I serve a role where my involvement in helping others means I sometimes get shot at.
I am not slightest bit intimidated by the lies or slander especially when I’m aware this nothing more than a coward who sits behind a computer using spoofing IT techniques.
A real man would not hide their identity and fight hidden behind falsified and illegal documents.
This fake website can NOT replace the case by case personal client relationships I have built with so many of you.
If you should read or come across anything that contradicts my character and integrity, please come forward and share your concerns individually with me.
I am happy to discuss with anyone what is the truth vs lie because your concerns matter to me.
Due to the many years of undercover work I have performed, I have chosen to keep pictures of me limited until today.
Truth is, there is nothing I’ve want more than to show you the real man behind keeping so many families and corporations safe from harm’s way.
I have and will continue to work in life’s most difficult and challenging environments because that is what God has called me to do.
It is my pleasure to serve and protect in any way I am needed.
May God bless and always keep you safe!
Joe Levin